Bone Graft
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Spinal bone graft

Spinal bone graft

The spine is one of the most important parts of the body, and undoubtedly its damage can prevent a person from doing many things. One of the treatments for many of these pains is a spinal bone graft.

Many spine diseases such as trauma, disc disease, and scoliosis cause pain and instability in this part of the body. But what is the treatment? As you know, surgeons use bone grafts to repair this condition. Bone graft is a widely used surgery that uses to improve or heal fractured bones. Almost all types of this surgery are performed in the same way, and often the only difference is where it is performed. You are familiar with these products and undoubtedly import particular grafts for each part of the body, like a spinal bone graft.  This post will explain this product and its different varieties, which you should be familiar with before importing it.

What Is Spinal one Graft?

Spinal bone graft is a surgery for the back that is performed to relieve pain and give back stability to the spine or repair spinal fractures. As its name suggests, the spinal bone graft is done to fix or treat the spine, back, and neck bones. What we're trying to achieve is to fuse painful bones in the spine. As a result, the bones will fuse into one solid structure. Adding bone to the existing bones is necessary to help them fuse or heal. This article will talk about all kinds of spinal bone grafts, materials, and substitutes.

Scoliosis Bone Grafting

From the front, the spine typically runs directly through the center of the body. This statement isn't entirely true if you have scoliosis. When this syndrome exists, the spine develops a pronounced lateral curvature. For scoliosis to be clinically diagnosed, the curve must deviate more than 10 degrees from "normal." Depending on the patient's characteristics, the curve may also be curved like a "C" or "S." Spinal bone graft is one of the most widely used surgical methods to treat scoliosis. During spinal fusion surgery, patients with many spinal abnormalities need to change.

 Spinal bone graft fusion is a surgical procedure in which vertebrae can be welded together using an additional bone, called a spinal bone graft. Typically, this welding process takes three months to heal fully, and during the healing period (welding), the physician evaluates the progress of the fusion through radiographic imaging.

The graft that needs for a patient depends on three things:

  1. Section of the spine that needs to be fused
  2. Age
  3. General health

Spinal fusion bone graft failure

As an importer, you should pay attention to this point; if you do not provide surgeons with quality products, the probability of surgical failure is high. But there may be other reasons as well. For many patients, achieving spinal stability is more desirable than having a solid fusion from spine surgery. However, there is a correlation between obtaining a solid fusion and having a better result from spine surgery.

Despite not achieving a solid fusion, but with intact hardware and good stability to the spine, the patient may still be able to achieve effective pain relief through spinal bone graft.

When there's not enough support to hold the spine while it is fusing, it is most likely to fail spinal bone graft surgery. This is why the spinal is often used as part of an internal splint to hold the spine while it fuses after spine surgery. Few symptoms can show when a spinal fusion bone graft fails; Including:

  • chronic back pain
  • Tingling sensations
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Leg pain
  • Radicular pain

However, it is difficult to determine a failure with imaging before three months. Because this is the time that needs to get a solid fusion, and it can take even up to a year after spinal bone graft surgery.

Spinal fusion bone graft material

As importers of these products, you should know that screws and other instruments for spinal bone graft are made from titanium, stainless steel, or carbon chrome. This is because the studies showed that these three materials, especially titanium, can be Compatible with bone and help it heal easily.

 Bone graft substitutes for spinal fusion

Bone graft substitutes are substances that try to mimic the benefits of bone grafting without the side effects that rarely but potentially occur. Today, autografts and allografts of human bone are the most common bone grafting options for patients with spinal fusion. Bone grafts can be divided into three main categories based on where they are obtained.

  • Autograft bone graft: using patient's own bone
  • Allograft bone graft: bone obtained from cadavers
  • Bone graft substitutes: products that either assist or replace the need for autograft or allograft bone in a spine fusion

As we discussed the first two cases in the bone graft article, let's discuss the third item thoroughly. For an example of this case, tricalcium phosphate acts as a structural lattice for bone formation. Another example is the mineral bone matrix, which is used as a graft enhancer and can mix with allografts and increase the fusion rate.

Spinal fusion without bone graft

Fusion is the most common technique for spine surgery, and it has a good result on morbidities or relieves discomforts. Spinal fusion is mainly used to correct minor bone problems in the spine (vertebrae), which is essentially a welding process. So in this sense, the spinal bone graft is much more complete than the fusion.

 Spinal fusion surgery is usually recommended only if the doctor can determine the source of the patient's pain, requiring imaging tests such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

As we said before, one of the other options for bone graft removal is an allograft. Artificial spinal bone grafts are made of calcium/phosphate material and are called "ceramic" fronts. They are similar in shape and consistency to autograft extraction.

Bone graft fusion

The basic idea of spinal bone graft fusion is to fuse two painful bones in the spine. In this way, they can heal together. It is perfectly normal to feel pain after surgery, and it is a natural part of the healing process. The recovery time takes 3 to 12 months, and during this time, the patient should avoid some things. These include:

  • Avoid lifting any object more than 3 Kg
  • bathing 7 days after surgery
  • Avoiding heavy exercises for more than 3 months.

And the last word

Spinal bone graft is a very important surgery for the spine that, like any other operation, requires a set of tools and raw materials. Many manufacturers worldwide provide spinal bone graft types that may not be easy for everyone to access, and importers of these products play an essential role. You should always try to offer the best and highest quality products so that both surgeons and patients do not have problems. In other words, you play an important role in the success of this surgery. Do you have a special offer for your colleagues? If your answer is yes, add it below the text for everyone's benefit.


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