In some cases, especially in dental implants, the release of titanium particles causes the deposition of titanium ions and titanium alloy in the tissues surrounding the implant, which can loosen the implant by reducing bone formation.

No side effects are listed for spinal cord implants. In rare cases, one's body may be sensitive to titanium metal.

In rare cases, allergies to titanium metal may occur, which may cause symptoms such as swelling and redness in the operating area.

Titanium implants have no harmful effect on the nerves if properly inserted.

In spine implants where they are used to connect two or more vertebrae, depending on the type of patient, there is movement limitation and movements such as bending forward and backward and laterally and rotating the spine less frequently than before. The amount will be proportional to the location of the operated vertebrae.

Depending on the type of operation, some movements may not be appropriate, which the physician should inform the patient.

Most titanium implants in the spine do not need to be removed unless there is a problem for the patient.

In case the implant is under pressure, they may not have a physical state of physical change. For example, it may bend that there is no common occurrence, and in most cases the amount of this change is insignificant, that there is no need for any action. The chemical change is also very small.

Yes, implants made of titanium are detected when crossing the aircraft inspection devices, one who has implants in the body must be accompanied by a doctor's approval.