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A variety of health services and health

A variety of health services and health

Healthcare facilities are many and varied. There are also differences in different countries. In this article, we examine the types of health care systems.

These days, more and more people are looking for accurate, comprehensive and affordable medical care, which is why health care services have advanced a lot and different scope of activities has been added to it. Specialized clinics and outpatient treatment centers have relieved the burden of hospitals and even made it possible to care for patients in need of long-term treatment. There are many types of health care. It is not bad to take a closer look at them. 

Types of health centers based on the type of services they provide


Hospitals are comprehensive health care centers, but their services vary according to their location and facilities. The hospital includes emergency, resuscitation, ICU, CCU, inpatient, operating room, neonatal intensive care units and many more. Depending on the type of treatment required for the patient, one of the departments provides the necessary services. 

Outpatient surgery centers

Outpatient surgery centers allow patients to perform some surgeries outside the hospital environment. These centers usually offer special surgeries at a higher cost than hospitals. Because people come to these centers for surgery and there are no patients admitted to outpatient surgery centers, the risk of patients being exposed to infection is reduced. 

These centers usually do not diagnose the disease and the patients who come there are referred to these centers through the hospital or doctors for special surgeries. 

 Maternity Centers

Delivery centers are dedicated to delivery and midwifery services. These centers provide an environment where the mother can feel comfortable and experience a peaceful delivery. Maternity hospitals do not have complete hospital equipment or neonatal intensive care units, and deliveries are performed where they are not at risk. 

Blood transfusion centers

Blood transfusion centers or blood banks are places where donors donate blood and platelets. These blood and blood products are stored and used by patients when needed. 

Medical clinics

Medical clinics are centers for the diagnosis and outpatient treatment of patients. Clinics offer a variety of medical services. Some of them have all the medical services and some of them are active only in one specific field. For example, dental clinics, beauty, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and many more

Diabetes Centers

Diabetes is a very serious disease that requires a diabetic patient to be examined regularly. Their lifestyle is different from other patients and they need to be given special training in this area. Diabetes Centers is one of the medical and health centers that provide these services to diabetic patients to increase their quality of life. 

Dialysis centers

Patients with acute kidney problems need regular treatment and dialysis. Blood is artificially filtered during dialysis; It normally takes care of the kidneys. Sometimes a patient with kidney problems needs to be dialyzed three to four times a day. In our country, dialysis is usually performed in hospitals, but recently dialysis centers have been added to medical centers in large cities. 

 Imaging and radiology centers

Imaging and radiology include CT scans, ultrasound, X-rays, MRI and more. Hospitals also provide these services, but there are specialized centers in this field to reduce the workload of hospitals and make the work of patients easier. Sometimes, on the order of a doctor outside the hospital, the patient needs a special type of imaging and radiology, in which case these centers provide the necessary services. 

Psychotherapy and addiction centers

Counseling and psychotherapy centers provide services to patients with mental health problems. Counseling can range from marriage counseling and marital problems to addiction and depression. 

At higher levels of mental health problems, psychiatric hospitals or psychiatric hospitals provide the necessary services to individuals. 

There are also addiction treatment centers that help addicts quit drug and alcohol abuse.

Nursing homes for the elderly and disabled

Retirement homes are centers that provide health care services to the elderly or disabled. These people usually need special help and are not able to do their work at home, but they do not need to be hospitalized. Some of these centers also provide physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy services. In fact, these centers help these people to improve their quality of life. 

Rehabilitation and orthopedic centers

Orthopedic centers operate in everything from the treatment of sports injuries to the treatment of patients with disabilities. They usually provide assessment and diagnosis of the problem, as well as prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation tasks such as bone, tendon, ligament, muscle, and joint. 

There are also special rehabilitation centers where patients can receive a variety of treatments to help them recover from illness or injury. Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy are all processes that help people regain the skills they need after a period of illness. 

Remote health control centers

Remote health centers are not health centers but provide good medical services. These centers have recently grown well in our country and provide a variety of medical advice over the phone or online, especially for those who can not afford to see a doctor or in situations such as now in the era of the Corona pandemic. 

Usually in these medical consultations, if the problem can be easily solved, the doctor will give the necessary instructions to the patient, but if necessary, the patient will be asked to see a specialist, or if the situation is acute, an emergency request will be sent to the scene. 

Types of health systems in the world based on the type of payment

According to surveys conducted in 2019, based on the per capita cost of health care in accordance with the OECD, 18 countries are superior to other countries. These include the United States, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium, Canada, France, Ireland, Australia, Japan, Iceland, the United Kingdom and Finland, respectively. But healthcare payment systems vary from country to country. 

 Government funding system

In this system, government-funded health care is available to all citizens regardless of income and employment status. Some countries may even provide these services to non-citizen residents, but in some cases non-citizens may need to use private health care. For example, countries such as Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Greece, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and many others have this system to provide health services. 

Public insurance financing system

In some countries, workers have social insurance. This system is usually such that the government divides the cost of treatment between the worker and the employer. In fact, part of the employee or worker's salary is received from his salary and part of the treatment cost is received monthly from the employer. In this case, those who are unemployed or do not have a legal employment contract can not use free public insurance services. Albania, Belgium, China, Colombia, France, Hungary, Japan, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and many other countries also have this treatment system. 

 Public and private health financing system

In this system, some people receive health services through the government, but some people are allowed to use public health services. These include Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Chile, Cyprus, Germany, Mexico, Peru and Turkey. 

Private treatment financing system

In this system, people receive medical services through compulsory private insurance. These include Israel, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands and Switzerland. 

Non-universal insurance financing system

In this system, some citizens have private health insurance, some are eligible for public health care, and some have no insurance at all. Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, Paraguay, Yemen and some other countries are among these countries. 

 Concluding remarks

Health care systems are diverse. These services are provided according to the facilities in different medical centers and the way they are paid varies in different countries depending on the type of insurance that is offered there. 

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