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Silver nanoparticles are a powerful weapon against germs

Silver nanoparticles are a powerful weapon against germs

Nano-silver disinfectant solutions are one of the most effective substances for killing bacteria. Penetration into the bacterial cell wall without damaging the body's cells makes nano-silver a powerful weapon.

 We live in a time when we care more about germs than ever before. The Corona Pandemic and the Fear of It All Involve every moment of our lives the thought that germs, bacteria and viruses are lurking around us. There are many ways to escape these pathogens. But nano silver disinfectant solutions are one of the most effective. Silver has long been known for its ability to kill some microbes. This is why silver is now used not only in medicine but also in many other accessories such as sports equipment, clothing, socks, swimming pools and even water purifiers.

What is the performance of silver nanoparticles?

The very small size of nanoparticles means that these particles have a larger surface area than their volume. In fact, the same increase in surface makes this silver nanoparticle easily interact with other particles and increase its properties. For example, it increases their antibacterial effectiveness. This effect is such that one gram of silver nanoparticles will be enough to provide antibacterial properties of 100 square meters of material.

You can read more about silver nanoparticles in the article " Silver nanoparticles, small particles with high efficiency ".

To understand how silver nanoparticles work to kill pathogens, you need to understand how bacteria, viruses, and fungi live and grow, and this is so broad that it is beyond the scope of this article. But perhaps we can look at them briefly. 

How do nano-silver kill bacteria?

How silver affects bacteria is not yet fully understood. However, positively charged silver ions (Ag +) have been shown to have antimicrobial effects. According to studies, silver targets these microorganisms in several different ways.

  • Researchers studying the dynamics of proteins in E. coli found that silver ions separated the pair of strands of the bacterium's DNA and weakened the bond between the protein and DNA. As a result of this separation, the movement of proteins will be faster. Normally, when a protein binds to DNA, it becomes a large molecule that moves slowly in bacteria. But despite the silver and the separation of the protein from the DNA, it moves alone and faster. This feature can be used in the production of antibiotics. (1)
  • Silver ions enter the membrane of bacterial cells and bind to the membrane proteins that are responsible for transporting substances in and out of bacterial cells, disrupting their function. This kills the bacteria due to starvation. 
  • Silver ions also enter bacterial cells and bind to DNA to prevent cell division, effectively preventing them from multiplying.
  • Silver ions block the respiratory system of bacteria, thereby blocking the cell's energy production. All bacteria have an enzyme known as "chemical lung" that is used to metabolize oxygen. Silver ions stop the production of this enzyme and thus disrupt oxygen uptake. This effect is such that the bacteria are killed in just six minutes and the rest have no effect on the surrounding tissues. (3)
  • Nanosilvers sometimes break down the cell membrane of bacteria and kill bacteria. (2)

How does nanosilver work to kill viruses?

Viruses take over the nucleus of living cells by taking over living cells and using the materials inside those cells, creating a new virus instead of a healthy cell. This process also requires an enzyme that metabolizes oxygen. Silver ions still block oxygen from entering the virus and cause it to suffocate.

Do silver nanoparticles cause fungal death?

Fungi are made up of a series of single cells. Like bacteria and cells, they have the chemical lung to survive. Again, silver nanoparticles destroy the lungs and suffocate fungal cells.

Don't miss the article " Nano Silver Antibacterial and Cleaning Surfaces and Handles ".

Silver nanoparticles, small but widely used particles

Antibiotics can be used to kill various pathogens. But sometimes bacteria and viruses are increasingly resistant to drug treatments. But silver nanoparticles kill a variety of fungal infections, bacteria and viruses, including antibiotic-resistant strains. Research to date has shown that bacteria have no immunity to silver. These silver ions can suppress and kill bacteria. At the same time, they are not harmful to humans because these small particles are pure silver metal and can be dissolved in the body if consumed in the right amount.

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