This week's news talks about the new meetings, new FDA clearance, new research about bone health, and new bone replicas technologies.

This week's news talks about the new meetings, new FDA clearance, new research about bone health, and new bone replicas technologies.

The Annual Meeting of Hip and Knee Surgeons in the American Association

The American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons announced the virtual spring meeting in 2021. In this annual meeting, specialists and attendees talk about the most recent researches, technologies, perspectives, and interviews in the field of hip and knee surgery.

AAHKS holds this meeting virtually over three consecutive Tuesdays from April 27 to MY 11. You can register for that meeting through the AAHKS website.

The New Research on the Effects of Antibiotics in Patients with Total Joint Arthroplasty (TJA)

Michael M.Kheir, MD, the investigator of the department of orthopedic surgery in Indiana University School of Medicine, published his latest research on the effect of antibiotics on periprosthetic joint infection or PJI rate in patients after Total Joint Arthroplasty (TJA).

In this research, they examined 3855 patients with TJA between 2011 and 2019. In the high-risk group for PJI of the research, these patients were classified:

  • Patients with a BMI of 35 or higher
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Positive Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization
  • chronic kidney disease
  • an active smoker
  • autoimmune disorder history

Kheir and his colleagues have classified these patients into three groups. The first group was at low risk for PJI and didn't need to receive the extended antibiotics. Group B was at a high risk of PJI, but they were not given antibiotics too. On the other hand, Group C was the high-risk group who has been received extended oral antibiotics.

Kheir explains the reason for using antibiotics in this way: "Extended oral antibiotic prophylaxis may be a simple, safe and cost-effective measure to counteract poor host factors, which can be difficult to modify or optimize to reduce [periprosthetic joint infection] PJI rates at 1 year postoperatively,"

This research clearly showed the effects of using antibiotics in reducing the PJI in high-risk patients after TJI.  They have seen that patients in group C who have received antibiotics had lower infection rates than the patients in group B and A.

He believes this method is a safe and cost-effective one for the patients: "When we looked at the average manufacturer pricing for our antibiotic of choice, cefadroxil costs about $1.40 for a 1-week supply," stated Kheir. "That means for 57 patients with a 1 week supply; it would cost an average around $80, which is, as we know, magnitudes lower than the cost of treating a single PJI, which in the literature we can see costing anywhere up to $100,000 or more in certain cases."

The Newest FDA Clearance for the Augmented Reality Platform for THA

The new augmented reality-based digital surgery platform known as HipInsight for total hip arthroplasty has its FDA 501 (k) clearance.

This platform enables the surgeon to visualize anatomy, instruments, and implants in real time with precision and efficiency.

Stephen B Murphy, MD, is the first specialist who has performed the Robotic total hip arthroplasty with this augmented reality platform. He mentioned that: "Traditional navigation systems, robotics, and interoperative imaging provide information on flat screens outside the surgeon's view of the patient, leaving the process disjointed and awkward… The HipInsight system enables surgeons to stay focused on the patient, projecting holograms on AR glasses that effectively give them 'X-ray vision,' so that surgeons can see what they need to see when they need to see it, right inside the patient's body,"

This new platform leverages the Microsoft HoloLens 2 and cloud-based preoperative plans. This platform helps hip replacement surgery because it delivers consistent, spontaneous, and authentic surgeon guidance.

Daniel M. Ward, MD, the orthopedic surgeon and the assistant of Murphy in his surgery, says about this new platform: "It's amazing to be able to see the entire bony anatomy, implants, and instruments inside the patient while you're operating… This is the kind of technology surgeons have been striving for – when you try it for the first time, it's just a mind-blowing experience."

Reference: healio

The New Hot Nano-chisel Life-like Bone Replicas

The New Hot Nano-chisel Life-like Bone Replicas

Surgeons and doctors need to create an artificial bone tissue that is perfectly authentic to the natural bone and provides microscopic detail with tiny structures necessary for stem cell differentiation and bone regeneration.

The researchers in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute (NYSF) are led by Elisa Riedo's. She has stated that the bone replicas should have the ability to support the growth of bone cells derived from the patient's stem cells.

They have taken a significant accomplishment by creating the authentic replica of bone with the bone tissue's exact structure. The team named this new platform bio-thermal scanning probe lithography or bio-tSPL.

 Bio-tSPL can photograph the patient's bone tissue with a heated nano chisel and produce a bonafide replica by using the photograph.

They published the results of their research in Advanced Functional Materials by the name of "Cost and time effective lithography of reusable millimeter size bone tissue replicas with sub-15 nm feature size on a biocompatible polymer,"

Elisa Riedo, a professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, says: "tSPL is a powerful nanofabrication method that my lab pioneered a few years ago, and it is at present implemented by using a commercially available instrument, the NanoFrazor. However, until today, limitations in the throughput and biocompatibility of the materials have prevented its use in biological research. We are very excited to have broken these barriers and to have led tSPL into the realm of biomedical applications."

Reference: news-medical