Knee Surgery
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Is It a Problem If My Knees Crack When Squatting?

Is It a Problem If My Knees Crack When Squatting?

you squat for various reasons, and you may hear a popping or cracking sound in your knees. Knee crack when squatting is a problem or not? Read in this article

During the day, you may squat for various reasons, such as exercising, lifting heavy objects, or picking up your baby's toys. And most of you may hear a popping or cracking sound in your knees when you squat. This sound, commonly called Crepitus, may be overlooked by some people, but it may be worrying for people who are concerned about the health of their knees. Are you worried about this too, and do you think your knee has a problem? The knees crack when squatting, which is normal if you do not have a knee problem. Although crepitus is painful, it can indicate a problem affecting your knee, and you should take it seriously. Knee crack when squatting is a problem or not; you will read more about it in the rest of this article.

What Is Knee Crack When Squatting?

When you're in a squat position, you put pressure on your knee joints, whether you're exercising or doing daily activities. The joint reaction to this pressure may be different; sometimes you hear it as a pop sound, or sometimes you may experience extreme pain in your knees. The knee is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body, and a little carelessness can do serious damage to it. Knee cracking when squatting is similar to popping your knuckles or back and occur due to various reasons. You may ask, is it normal for a knee to crack when doing squats? In answer to your question, physicians say that noisy knees are not a problem in most cases unless it is accompanied by pain. It's better to know the knee joint before talking about the knee pop when squatting.

Knee Joint Anatomy

bones, cartilage, synovium, and ligaments all make up the knee joint, making it a delicate part of the body. Bones include the Femur (thigh bone), Tibia (lower leg bone), Fibula (bone in the lower leg), and Patella (kneecap). The Meniscus is two thick pads of cartilage that reduce the fraction between the tibia and the femur. In addition to bone and cartilage, the synovium fluid lubricates the joints, and four ligaments are connecting the bones. All of these structures are prone to strikes, and even an improper lifestyle can affect your knee's health.

Why Do My Knees Crack When I Squat?

This is a common question asked by people who exercise or do activities that involve the knee. They are concerned with their knees clicking and cracking as they straighten and bend their legs. This crackling can scare someone who doesn't want to damage their knees or have any chronic knee problems like the runner's knee. But is this a sign of a problem? Crepitus or cracking happens for a variety of reasons; some of those:

Gas Bubbles In The Synovial Fluid

This is the most common cause of knee cracking and is normal and happens to everyone of all ages. Over time, the gas bubbles form inside the synovial fluid that surrounds the joints. So, when you're squatting and bending your leg, some of these bubbles burst, creating a popping sensation or an audible "crack." Crepitus caused by the formation of gas bubbles does not cause pain, and do not worry about it. 

Knee Surgery

According to statistics of patients who have undergone knee surgery, their knees become more noisy than before. This may be due to reasons such as changes in the knee's anatomy during surgery or new joint features. Cracked knees after surgery are not painful and do not affect people's long-term appearance or quality of life. On the contrary, doctors say that noisy knees after surgery are seen as a positive advantage for patients, as it makes them more concerned about their knees' health. If you have crepitus with pain, it may be due to one of the following reasons.

Knee Osteoarthritis (OA)

According to researchers, knee Osteoarthritis is a common problem that affects 13% of women and 10% of men who are in their 50s. This condition breaks down the cartilage that cushions the joints over time, causing inflammation and pain. As a result, your knee joint may become noisy and cracked.

Knee Injury

Your kneecap can be injured by falling on your knee or in a car accident. Under these conditions, you may experience knees crack while squatting. This condition may indicate one of the following problems

  • Chondromalacia patella
  • Meniscus tears
  • Patellofemoral syndrome, or runner's knee

So if you experience painful crunching and grating while moving your knee, be sure to see an orthopedist as it is not normal. In this case, a slight delay and neglect can cause irreparable damage to your knee.

How do I get my knee to stop clicking?

Knee cracking when squatting is an unpleasant condition for most people. And people are looking for a way to get rid of this sound. In this regard, Dr. Stearns says, "motion is a lotion," This means that the more you move, the more your joints will lubricate themselves. " But if you do not move or lie down for a long time, the synovial fluid in the joints will increase, and as a result, gas bubbles will form in it. Other factors that can help keep a knee from popping include:

  • Choosing the right exercise style as well as incorporating knee-stabilizing exercises into your exercise regimen
  • Strengthening the quadriceps and gluteal muscles by squatting and lung exercise
  • Make sure you're squatting with proper form
  • You may need to work to sit back on your butt instead of putting your weight on your knee
  • If you feel uncomfortable, make the activity easier
  • Be sure to warm up and cool down before and after all athletic activities
  • Lose weight
  • Wear any prescribed orthotics to keep your leg in proper alignment


Among all these tips, exercise has a special significance. You can say that I hear these sounds on my knee while exercising. This may be due to the inappropriate form of your workout, especially the squat. If you do the squat properly, not only will your knees not crack, but you will strengthen them.


Home Remedies for Cracking Knees

As mentioned above, Knee cracking is a normal condition that happens in most people when squatting and does not cause any problems. However, if you have pain or other problems with a crunchy knee, it is best to try various natural and home remedies before seeing your doctor. Some of these home remedies include:

Frankincense Oil

Frankincense oil is regarded as the most potent natural treatment for joint arthritis. According to studies, the extract of this herb reduces inflammation and relieves joint pain, so it is a good treatment for painful knee cracks caused by osteoarthritis.


Curcumin is an active ingredient and a powerful antioxidant in turmeric that has anti-inflammatory properties. In 2019, scientists in an experiment found that the effects of curcumin capsules in osteoarthritis treatment are very similar to diclofenac. So if you can't use chemical medicines like NSAIDs, it's better to add more turmeric to your meals or buy from pharmacies as a supplement.


Resveratrol is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent found naturally in grapes, red wine, tomatoes, peanuts, soy, and some teas. Patients who regularly consume these nutrients in their diet or take Resveratrol supplements report a significant reduction in knee pain and cracking while squatting.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 is one of the healthiest fatty acids in fish oil, which has a significant role in reducing knee cracking and pain. You can take this beneficial fatty acid as a supplement or naturally from substances such as canola and olive oil, soybeans and tofu, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, chia seeds,  and flax seeds.

 Besides, other tips that you can do to get rid of this popping and pain are:

  • Taking collagen; Collagen acts as a lubricant, enabling bones to move without pain
  • Change your activities and do low-impact options such as swimming, aqua aerobics, aqua jogging, and cycling
  • Massage with a licensed massage therapist
  • R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) is the best method for transient pain that you may feel while squatting


In summary

Knee popping when squatting, while common in many cases and not a problem, can affect a person's life in many ways. For example, the sound of knees during public activities as well as when getting up from a chair in a business meeting may upset a person. Regular and strengthening exercises can significantly reduce the knee's sound if the cracking is not due to a specific knee problem. But if it is accompanied by pain, after trying home remedies, it is better to see an orthopedist to diagnose and treat the knee problem. If you have a similar condition, write to get more information with the help of your friends.

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